Most of us love poultry a lot and want to dive into the poultry business. To effectively take care of your adult chickens, there is a lot you need to know so you do not have loses that may result from environmental predators.
Poultry netting is a prefabricated, electrifiable and moveable fence. It is packaged with a full fixed line posts. Plastic strings that are vertical are welded to conductors that are either yellow and black or white and black. It should be known that 164 feet typical roll that includes line posts can weigh just 23Ib. Right through this netting, the plastic strings are maintained by PVC white, a synthetic post which is 60 in diameter. Every post usually has a steel spike which is small in size and positioned inside the soil for maintenance.
How poultry netting works
The parallel part of the poultry netting except for the one a little above, or resting on grass, are bought separately and the energizing effect of the fence energizes it in such a way that it gives an electric shock to predators especially strange birds. This is built as a defense against predators for the safety of the chickens. Also, to decrease the entire weight, we use strings for the verticals.
A lot of people in the field of poultry all over Europe and the United States depend on poultry netting that is well energized. The importance of the poultry netting includes;
- They are good for adult birds without wings, like chickens and if it is well electrified, it protects them from predators.
- Any roll can last for a very long time if properly used and protected from threats.
- When you order for them, they get delivered to your residence.
- They do not need any special tool to work as it comes with plastic posts that supports ends and corners capable of being firm in corners, hills and curves.
- They are very useful in adult poultry for a secured reason
- is easily installed to fit in any kind of terrain unlike other fences.
- also prevent bigger four-footed predators like bear, opossums, foxes, skunks, raccoons, coyotes and dogs from harming the adult chickens if the netting is properly electrified.
- The net for chicken is very fast and easy to make use of and it uses a very short about of time between 8-12 minutes to remove, reposition, regulate or install unlike other electric fences.

How will you know the best energizer?
For poultries in particular, wide or high impedance electrifiers or energizers are the best choices due to the fact that they have a light weighted animal structure and the state of the adult chickens’ legs causing them to be resistant to electricity.
Problems that may arise with the improper use of poultry netting and how to have it fixed
Producers may be faced with grass lowering fence voltage, therefore these problems might occur and this is how to fix them easily;
- You can purchase a netting electrifier or energizer that is strongly capable of coping with additional grass contact.
- If you are having grass contact issue, it is also possible to burn chemicals which won’t destroy perennials or spray the herbicide inside a constricted strip beneath the poultry fence.
- If you notice that the grass is getting 6 inches taller, then switch off the electrifier or energizer and trim along fence. Shift your net inside the trimmed strip. You can do this by taking it out and installing it again.
- During the first few weeks, when you still have small birds or chicks, keep them in a coop inside a wire mesh to protect chickens from predators. Doing this prevents your small birds or chicks from slipping

through the openings of the wire mesh.

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